We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded funding from The Four Nations International Fund to pilot a new International Circus Exchange in collaboration with Circusful, Cirkus Syd and Summerhall.
Circus Exchange is a new network of partners passionate about developing and nurturing contemporary circus. Organisations from England, Northern Island, Scotland and Sweden, will come together to share knowledge, skills and expertise of working internationally within the following themes:
- Advocacy and Fundraising – exploring Circus’ innate ability to bring people together and its collaborative practice and culture as an agent for democratic participation
- Improving Access, Inclusion and Diversity at all levels – including accessibility for artists and audiences
- Co-commissioning and presenting work – exploring how we can pool resources to ensure artists have sustainable routes to create and present work.
- Mobility – exploring new sustainable ways to connect geographically and reach new audiences.
£7500 is being used across the partnership to support 6 online scratch sessions and two in person gatherings. We will share and learn from one another across a six month period.
Our findings will be shared with the wider circus sector. If you are interested in finding out more about this project please contact us at: hello(@)bristolcircuscity.com
“We are excited to be invited to collaborate with Handstand Arts […] We are keen to learn more about the UKs excellent practices in inclusion and diversity and contribute our knowledge of international networks and Nordic collaborative structures and funding models”.
Cirkus Syd – International Circus Exchange Collaborator
The pilot Four Nations International Fund is funded by Creative Scotland, Arts Council England, Arts Council Northern Ireland and Arts Council of Wales/Wales Arts International.